Chiropractic is a health care discipline based on the scientific premise that the body is a self-regulating, self-healing organism and that good health depends, in part, upon a normally functioning nervous system.
Chiropractors know that a properly functioning spine decreases stress to the nervous system and allows the body to function at its best.
Chiropractors work with the joints and soft tissues of the spine that protect the communication pathways of the spinal cord and nerve roots. When the bones of the spine lose their normal motion or position, (known as a Vertebral Subluxation), they can stretch or irritate the nerves which in turn may cause pain and disrupt the function of the tissues or organs these nerves control.
Chiropractic works by helping to restore your own inborn ability to be healthy. When under the proper control of your nervous system, all the cells, tissue, and organs of your body are designed to function well and resist disease and ill health.
The chiropractic approach to better health is to locate subluxations and gently restore correct function to the spine which in turn reduces interference with your natural state of optimal health.
Your First Visit
When you arrive for your first visit we will ask you to complete some simple but important paperwork which will help us to ensure we have your complete history. Please give us as much detail as possible and arrive early for your appointment to avoid rushing.
Our chiropractor will spend valuable time talking through your complete history, getting to know you, understanding your complaints and gathering all the necessary information so the correct program of care can be tailored to you.
Standard physical, orthopaedic, neurological and chiropractic tests will be performed to determine the cause(s) of your problem.
In certain cases, x-rays or other images may be required before a complete assessment can be made. However, in many cases, a report of findings, treatment plan and some or all treatment can still take place.
You will receive a complete report or summary of the relevant examination findings, along with a thorough explanation of the problem.
Dr. Jim (Chiropractor) will outline a treatment plan individually designed for your particular problem and ensure you fully understand the nature, severity and recovery time of your condition.